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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Removing The Reproach of One's Past Sin

Joshua 5-7

 9 God said to Joshua, "Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt." That's why the place is called The Gilgal. It's still called that. (Joshua 5:9, The Message)

The “reproach” of slavery, 400 years of slavery, was not rolled away from the Hebrews by God when they,
1) Left Egypt (Exodus 12-13)
2) Fought Battles in the desert (Exodus 17:8-16).
3) Crossed Over into their Promise and Scouted out Jericho (Joshua 2), nor
4)  Promised Rehab they would not destroy her and her household if she hung the “Red” cloth/cord out of the window (Joshua 2:17-20).

The reproach of slavery was rolled away after they, the Israelites, renewed their covenant with God by circumcising all the males that had not been circumcised in the desert. These are the ones that were either born in the desert and those under 20 years old who had not rebelled in the desert, except Joshua, the new leader, and Caleb, those two believed God. Being Circumcised represented covenant renewal to those who were born in the desert.  Past sins hanging out in our lives blocks our future, so circumcise your hearts to roll away the reproach of slavery.

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