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Monday, January 25, 2010

A Day to Start Something New

Blogging is all new to me so I'm a little apprehensive. My spelling is bad, my grammar is so-so and I usually pick up my errors one to two weeks after I've written whatever I've wrote. But here goes.

A friend at church suggested I Blog my thoughts and discoveries as I study God's Word, the Bible, thus the title of my Blog, Adventures with God. I seem to to through a season of dryness of insights and thoughts as I journey through the entire Bible over the course of a year, something I've been doing since about 1985. Or thoughts sweep over me like gigantic waves and I feel like I'm drowning as they come crashing over me.

This Blog will be an attempt for me to have a place to capture those thoughts, write them down and make sense out of them as I try to apply what I've discovered to my life. Will it make sense? Probably not all of the time, heck probably most of the time I'll be scratching my head. But hopefully at least 10% of what I put done in cyberspace will impact my life as I struggle to let God's Words and the words spoken by others in His Book speak and direct my heart.

Now the journey begins as I start this new adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ramona,

    This is a test. Hope it get through!
    Love you much. Carmen
