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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What Is In My Hand?

Within this passage, Exodus 4-5:21, there seems to be a statement God makes to Moses but in reality it speaks to us to me, "What I have to be successful is not in someone else's hand but it is in mine.  The everyday things I handle, the things that are close to me the ones I discount are the things to use to take me where I need to go.  The question God ask me that I need to answer is, "What is in your hand?" (Exodus 4:1-3).

That same principle for failure also lies within me, within my cloak (Exodus 4: 6-8).  The thing I use to cover myself  with, the leaves I have plucked off the trees to use to cover my "nakedness," so I think.  Like Adam and Eve, in the garden, once I fail to face up to my real character flaws and blame the "women/man/friend/relative you gave me...the snake...the devil (Genesis 3:11-13), I am doomed for failure.  Yet, the consequences of my cover-up can be reversed because of the Mercies of God which are new every morning by going back into that same cloak of excuses and coming out with realities.   

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