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Sunday, February 7, 2010

God Is In The Details of Our Lives

God is in Our Stuff

In the New Living Translation, we come across a lot of “You must nots…” in the texts.  “You must nots” are only told when the propensity to Must do abounds.  However, within the multitude of must nots lie three conspicuous musts and they have to do with celebrations, Festival of Unleavened Bread (Passover) and the two Harvest Festivals (One at the beginning and the other at the end), Party Time. And the other “must dos” belong to building things.  God is a God of joy, celebration, hope and resurrection (bringing back dead things – dead people – dead relationships to life). 

God is also a God of protection when we follow His Words, in other words when we are obedient.   He, God, is also a jealous God and not willing to share the people who wear his clock of Favor with anyone or anything else.  No rabbit’s feet, no crossing fingers and toes, no relying on our own strength, wisdom and cunning.  God’s counsel is the only counsel we should seek and that counsel is found in His one and only book, The Bible, The Word, His Son, and Jesus Christ. 

I’ve heard this statement,” The devil is in the details,” hundreds of times.  But that is somewhat true.  The Devil is in the details of worrying, doubt, and fear.  However, God is in the little bitty details of building our lives.  He is in the details of the things that add value to His people of Favor.  Thus the Cloak of His Favor never wears out, it only appreciates in value and never depreciates. 
When we read about what went into the building of the Tabernacle, God never asked Moses for his opinion, He gave Moses instructions.  Remember Moses was trained in all the arts and wisdom of the Egyptians.   Within those arts and wisdom was the mathematical knowledge and sciences that laid the foundation of the Egyptians building projects: Pyramids, Tombs and Great Buildings.  Moses knew a thing or two about building and construction.  No matter how much we are trained in any given task, God knows more.  

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