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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Meeting With God

On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning. A thick cloud covered the mountain. A trumpet gave out a very loud blast. Everyone in the camp trembled with fear. Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God. They stood at the foot of the mountain.
(Exodus 19:16-17 NIrV)

Getting our Cloak of Favor doesn’t seem to be based on our “righteousness” but on God Himself and His desires.  But there is an action on our part after we receive that cloak, obedience to His Word. Arrogance (an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumption) is what happens when we think we are all that and a bag of chips and that is God's peoples stumbling block. We believe there is something within us that makes us great but it is not.  It is Favor, God's Favor.  It is our fellowship with God that is predicated on our obedience and not our relationship or Favor.

It is our obedience to the laws of God, that precedes our specific blessings because the Word says the rain falls on the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45; Psalm 145:9),so it is our obedience to the general instructions,or Word of God, and then the specific personal Words God speaks into our lives that proceed our blessings. This past Sunday (Jan 31, 2010), I heard a message on Cause and Effect, basically stated God created the Universe to work based on Cause and Effect and He, God, is the first cause.  Then effects within themselves become a cause. So it is Cause – Effect—Cause.  

Trying to Study and get this down “pat” is impossible so the only hope, my only hope is to meditate on God’s Word and have it become a part of me so I’m not trying to think of what comes next. 

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