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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

No Lone Rangers in This Kingdom

The cousins (Amalek – Esau’s descendents) came out to attack and despite Moses’ Authority, despite his cloak of Favor, folks still challenged him, so too for us Believers.  The relatives came to wipe him out (There goes the gathering ‘round the table at Thanksgiving with the folks).  But Moses needed the support and help of many people; he didn't just wave his arms and wipe out all those attacking him and the people he led,  there is a message/sermon in this.  On the other side, the Father-in-Law, who was not traveling with him, was protecting his wife, the daughter, and the kids while Moses tangled with Pharaoh, came calling with great advice, yet he was not part of the group.

We never truly know, without God’s guidance, who has our best interest.  And our best interest may be misunderstood by those who think they are looking out for us if they don’t have the heart of God and are listening to his voice.  Usually we give or get advice, before and not after we have sought the counsel of God, we give and get advice based on the reputation of the non God advisors as well as using our past experiences and five senses.   When in doubt, seek God. 

And again the battle is not ours, but the Lords but we must be obedient and do it God’s way not ours even if it seems silly by human thinking

Exodus 19:5,6 Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine,  (6)  you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites."

I am offered, we are offered, the cloak of Favor and given instructions on what we need to do to wear it.  Will I keep those instructions, will I even do the work of reading the book that tells me what I need to do, or will I try to “wing it” and just pretend I did. Will I read them and then walk away and forget what I’ve read?  It’s something for me to think about and be truly honest with myself.  

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