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Monday, February 8, 2010

Work'in Our Assignment

Even within community of Favored people, God still assigns positions and He also assigns Cloaks for each position which He clearly gives instructions on how that “cloak” should be designed. To the untrained or to those who are not using discernment by reading the entire context of these instructions, it would appear God was showing favor to a specific family or group.

Within a community of faith there are roles or “gifts” that are given but they are not for self-edification nor are they to place one person over another. Just like every part of a clocks movement is necessary in order for that clock with many parts to work as a clock, so the “Body of Christ,” the people God has placed His Favor upon, each person must use their gift wearing the cloak God has designed for them within the purpose God has called them to. How we use those gifts and what we do with them will be called into question by the One who gave them.  Like the model on the catwalk, we must learn how to “work it” when we walk down the runway in whatever cloak we have been assigned to wear.  

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